Monday, March 27, 2017

Illumination Conflict Sermon

Conflict in the community?
Family bonds strained?
Division among religious leaders?
People disputing the facts?
Personal attacks on the sources?
Beliefs impervious to evidence?

I had the opportunity to preach at St. Stephen's Lutheran Church yesterday and those are some of the themes I found playing out in the story of the man born blind in John 9. And amidst all that furor, there's a story of a man who receives his sight, finds his voice and comes to faith as well.

If you're interested in hearing the sermon, I've provided the audio for you below.

It's a call to action in challenging times with a word of comfort to take along with you.



1 comment:

Carol Coomer said...

This is the first sermon from the pulpit that I have heard Pastor Tim preach. To take scripture and make it meaningful n today's world is so amazing. He ties in his sermon at the end with exactly where our society is at in this present day and time. I loved his ideas and his encouraging words for us .