Thursday, November 21, 2019

Resources for Daily Devotions

A while back I put together a list of various devotional resources with a description of each one for a workshop I was leading at my church. It occurred to me that I never made that available here so I'm tending to that now. You can download the file as a pdf here.  Below is a summary of what you'll find.

  • After some general advice on doing daily devotions, there's a table of contents that lists the nineteen different resources described.
  • Each resource is identified as to whether it is print, online, email etc.
  • Where appropriate, a sample of the content is provided.
  • Information follows on where to get the particular resource.

I hope this is helpful!


Devotions and Conversation in Advent

Care to join me for a weekly conversation about daily devotions this Advent? Here's the scoop:

I've enjoyed using the Pray As You Go daily devotions for quite a while now. These are brief audio devotions - about 12 minutes - that include inspirational music from around the world, scripture reading, and a guided meditation with time allowed for personal prayer. They are produced by a Jesuit group in Britain and you can listen to them with their smartphone app or online at their website

My plan is to listen to their devotion daily starting December 1st (first Sunday in Advent) and then offer two opportunities for conversation each week. One will be online on Saturday mornings, 9 to 9:30 am, using Zoom for video chat. We can have a virtual cup of coffee together and if you're still in your PJs that's totally fine! (Actually, I think that would be a real cup of coffee with virtual togetherness, not the other way around.) This is the link to enter the "Zoom Room" for the conversation. If you don't already have Zoom on your phone or computer, it will prompt you to install it, which is free and fast.

If you happen to be local in the Twin Cities, you'll also have the option of meeting on Sundays at 11:45 am at St. Stephen's in West Saint Paul, where I work. Non-virtual coffee will be available here as well.  

My plan is to jot down some notes each day about what connected for me in the devotions and I encourage you to do the same. Then we can just share with each other what the week's journey has been like.

Calendar note: although Advent has four Sundays in it, this journey will actually run for three weeks  because we start the devotions on a Sunday. The conversations, then will be on three Saturdays (December 7, 14 and 21) and three Sundays (December 8, 15, 22).

Hope to see you on the journey!

Blessed Advent -
